Thursday, September 25, 2008

out numbered? i dont care i am still gonna blog about it!

first. just because an issue is not talk about on a regular basis by our so called "future" of america does not mean its not an issue. its kinda like one of those conversations you never want to have with someone so you never bring it up or even say anything remotely close to the issue just so there is no chance that you might have to talk about it.

second. there is something we can do about abortion. I did. try it! if your content enough to sit back in your nazarene/christian/sheltered/religious bubble and NOT do anything about then the blood of everyone of those innocent lives will be on your hands. good luck explaining that someday.

"Oh Hi God, yeah i know what you said about life and how precious it is to you, but ya know... it just wasnt worth it to care about it anymore cuz you know what was one person like me gonna do."

Let me tell you a story. I met with a girl. who had just found out she was pregnant. she had one choice and one choice only. abortion. her mother decided that was what was best for her and there were no other options. well. i thought to myself there is nothing i can do about this so i sat back and didnt say anything. i thought this issue will never change so theres no reason to fight it. she got the abortion and now she live a life of depression and guilt.......... ok that was a lie after the point of i thought there was nothing i could do about it..... ready for the real story. she found out she was pregnant. she had no other option other than abortion. so i gave her the address to a pass pregnancy center, a bus schedule and perfect directions how to get there JUST incase she ever felt the need to go and make a different choice. then i prayed.. and i enlisted an army to pray. pretty soon hundreds if not thousands of people were praying for ONE life. guess what... she went to the pregnacy center the day before her planned abortion appointment and she is due the 25th of october. we just threw an amazing baby shower for her and the people who were there can attest to this. her mother. the same lady who said there is NO other option. that she had to have the abortion stood up and said.... "you have changed my mind." ................ now you tell me that you CANT do anything about or maybe... just maybe ... you DONT want to do anything about it.....

in a few short years when women are waiting til the babies whole body is born except their big toe and they decide... "you know what. i really wanted a girl... not a boy... we will try again...." and a needle is stuck into the soft spot of that innocent life and acid rushes through it tiny brain and burns it to shreads all because its no longer an issue to you cuz you cant do anything about it... i really hope you think about these days when you gave up!

i am here to tell you. you wont see me giving up. I have got one precious life being born in just a few weeks because i refused to say... "its not use, its never gonna change."


Anonymous said...

hmmm... what would happen if people actually took your advice rather than saying "its easier said than done" ? (even though you've provided an excellent example of how to do it!!)

that would be the kind of world I would like to live in.

rondering said...

To that one "starfish" you made a world of difference.