Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Our lives begin to end the day we grow silent about the things that matter" ~MLK Jr.

This quote sums up my feelings from the previous post. This and what Ron said.

I was thinking about how some people sleep. I mean I sleep like a rock I put in my time all day livin the dream. I work hard. Play harder. But sometimes I think about those who do horrible things to others or animals or to themselves and wonder how they sleep.

OK take for instance. How does a grandpa who takes advantage of his granddaughter sleep at night?? Or the person who committed a murder but slipped through the cracks sleep? Or a car salesman who rips people off knowing the car is complete crap but still sells it to the single mom with three kids? Its sad how people like that are able to sleep but then you have the single Mom who puts her all into her children and will forever have bags under her eyes. Or the Pastor who strives to see something happen in his "Jerusalem" but his children have less so he can do it. Or the detective who has to tell a family their son was killed innocently by gang crossfire.

Its a strange world and society we live in. Seems all kinda unfair. Plenty for me to strive for to change!! I dunno why more people don't become social workers. Not like your ever gonna run out of work... you might not get paid but there will always be work!

Live the dream... Help someone!

1 comment:

rondering said...

You consistently demonstrate your sincerity of helping someone when you constantly help one.

If Mother Teresa sported a beard and wore pants, her name would be Eric.

When MLK dreamed, he dreamed of people like you.