Thursday, September 29, 2011

For me

This post is for me to process a day of ups and downs. I was on the phone while sitting next to my newest kid. I was on the phone saving the past while the future was dying for my attention next to me. It's tough to let go of investments. You put so much time and effort into ones you love and you see potential in and when it doesn't works it's always a tough pill to swallow. I kinda poured the afternoon because I felt like one slipped away from by his own choices. I got stopped by a friend who said... " I want you to know what your doing for so and so is gonna save his life" whoa. Kick me in the pouty lip. Here I am... Holding onto someone who can't even save themselves when the my next project sits in front of me. A teach later stopped me and said she has a girl she's worked with who needed to talk with someone. She said she wants her to speak with me... Because I'm real. And I will meet her on the level she's on. Whoa! I'm just in awe... I'm so so blessed to go to work and have the smallest of impacts on the world around me. Stop. Give. Love.

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